Monday, February 2, 2009

Silly Women

This my first blog so please bare with me. This morning while I was driving to work I was listening to AM 640. Nancy DeMoss was the speaker. Her message really spoke to me so I wanted to point out a few things in hope it will also speak to you.

God never intended we should taste of the knowledge of evil, that we should know it for ourselves.. He wanted us to take His word for it. The desire to see for ourselves began in Genesis 3. For some reason women lack the descernment of truth. Eve for sure lacked discernment and was decieved by the serpent.1 Tim 2:14 states that Adam was not decieved that he ate the fruit knowing the truth, but that Eve was decieved. This is not saying that satan does not tempt or decieve men, but that they happen in different ways. 2 Timothy 3:6-7 reads: For among them are those who creep into households and capture weak women, burdened with sins, and lead astray by various passions, always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of truth.We see the enemy targets women. There are five characteristics of women that the enemy targets for deception.

"Weak Women" The word weak means little. They are spiritually little and spiritually immature. They are weaked willed, gullible, foolish women. They are not gounded biblically in thier thinking or in thier lifestyle. These women will easily fall to false teachings. They are prone to temptation. It does not mean they are intellectually weak or they are not smart. They lack wisdom.

"burdened with sin" They are loaded down with sin. They have not dealt with sin God's way and they are extremely overwehlmed. They are carrying around the guilt of unrepented sin.

This is an area in my life that God has been dealing with me.It is time we as ladies truly deal with our sins God's way. There is no need to carry around the burden of guilt or shame. It seems we are stuck in the motion of "worldly sorrow" we know we are doing wrong and we are truly sorry. We even get broken hearted about it, we cry over it, but are we really repentant? I will have to save this for another blog.

"lead astray by various passions" These are our lusts, our strong desires of any kind- power, control, knowledge, attention from men. This causes you to do things you would'nt normally do. Instead of allowing God to lead they allow thier desires to lead them into sin.

"always learning" forever getting information, we always have to have the "NEW" . This generation loves novelty. I am so guilty of this. The new diet, excercise program, self help book, Oprah, Dr. Phil. If it is traditional, something we have heard, we don't want it. we want something fresh. It goes back to Gen 3 when Eve was tempted by knowledge. We have such curious natures, and that leaves our minds open to anything. It is not always good to have such an open mind. That leaves us vulnerable to falshoods. We need to be so careful to guard our hearts. Proverbs 4:23 says, above everything else, guard your heart. It is where your life comes from.

"never able to arrive at the knowledge of truth"

always learning,but they never arrive to the one truth that matters. They have the knowledge, but do not know the truth. They prefer something that suits them better. In 2 Tim 4:3-4 it says, "For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but have itching ears htey will accumulate for themselves teachers that suite thier own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths"

I want to encourage you to instead of being lead astray by your various passions, being burdened by sin. Let the Spirit lead you to holiness, to goodness, and to the truth. Pray that you are and will not be decieved. Get to know His word. That has made the biggest difference in my life. I have started memorizing scripture. This is the challenge, let us not be known as those weak, silly women, but as a follower of Christ!

1 comment:

Christie Jarvis said...

Excellent words Chrissy! I don't want to be a silly woman either. I want to be a strong woman of God that is so grounded in his word. Thanks for sharing!